SimpleModal Login

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SimpleModal Login


SimpleModal Login is a modal Ajax login for WordPress which utilizes jQuery and the SimpleModal jQuery plugin.

There are currently two themes available, each of which can be modified as required. As of 1.0, the plugin features the user registration and forgot password features. An activity indicator was also added as well as a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+L).

Please visit the WordPress SimpleModal Login Plugin page to download the plugin as well as for information regarding installation, FAQ’s, screenshots, etc.



If you are interested in translating SimpleModal Login, use I18n/simplemodal-login.pot as a template to create a po file for the new translation file.

More details can be found in the I18n/readme.txt file.


From Me

For questions, issues or feature requests, please post them in the WordPress Forum. Please make sure to tag the post with simplemodal-login so I can find it.

If you contact me directly asking for support, know that, despite my best intentions, it may take me a while to get back to you, if at all.

From You

If you would like to contribute, the following is a list of ways you can help:

If you find any errors on this page, please let me know.
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